Get Great Referrals Results… in Just 15 Minutes!

Let’s get something out right here at the beginning… if you want great referral results you have to invest a small amount of time every day to get them.

You already know the compounding power of money and how by saving a few bucks every week, over time, you’ll create wealth. Here when it comes to referrals, it’s pretty much the same and yet the results come much faster!

To begin, I want you to make a commitment… raise your right hand and say “I will dedicate 15 minutes each weekday in doing a few specific things that will turn on an ever-flowing stream of referrals for me.”

Build a new Referral winning, money making habit

For myself, to get that dedicated 15 minutes, I time-block in my Google calendar where I’m reminded to reach out to the people I feel are already in relationships with the people I’d like to have as new clients.

Personally, I did this for a few months when I started my CEO advisory board business and soon I had a $30k a month recurring income and a great new habit.

You can do this in your business too. Just open up your calendar and create the time block now and get started.

The truth is very few people make the day-to-day time commitment to build mutually beneficial, engaged, trusted relationships. Instead, they just “wing-it” with staying in touch thinking they’re doing the right things. It doesn’t work that way!

Then, when you begin to consistently follow-up with your keeping-in-touch outreach, you’ll stand out in a noisy marketplace. You’ll increase “top of mind awareness,” grow positive “word-of-mouth” and open up the pathways to greater trust. This quickly yields a desire in people to reciprocate back to you and then watch the introductions and referrals flow.

If you dedicate just 15 minutes a day and follow the steps to build engaged relationships with say 20-25 people, the evidence is strong that you’ll soon be gaining 6, 8, 10 or maybe even more new referred opportunities every month. I’ve seen thousands of professional get these referral results by making this a daily activity.

So start right now by going to Its an easy to use, economical, AI enabled, relationship building tool with a 14-day free trial. You’re going to be very surprised at how fast you’ll be getting results!