Want Referrals? To Win Big, You Have to Start Small!

You know the old saying… “mighty oaks from little acorns grow.” Well it’s true and it’s also a big part of the story in your successfully building a solid referrals based business. To get an abundant flow of new referrals, you have to start small… very small by focusing on building a highly engaged relationship with only a very small group of people.

As you learn what “highly engaged” means, you’ll understand that this focused effort on a small group is going to produce huge dividends in terms of new introductions and referrals.

To get started, make a list of just 20 people… as these are going to be your “acorns.” Perhaps its 10 current or former satisfied clients and then 10 other people you know who are already serving the people you’d like to meet as prospective new clients. Now clearly this latter group aren’t your competitors but instead are providing a different product or service to your ideal prospect.

Grow your own oak tree

Make this a speed exercise and don’t overthink it. 20 people and no more… for now! You know its amazing how many times I’ve heard a professional say something like “wow, I never thought about my former client… I bet he knows people just like him who could use my…”

True story… after helping the perennial number one coach in a major consulting firm think about this… and what he needed to do to reconnect with prior clients, he went out in the first week and re-engaged with two from his past and immediately was surprised with a new project obtained from one and an A+ referral from the other. As good as he was, he was driving past big opportunities every week because he didn’t think small and focus on “engagement.”

OK, get started now! … just pick your 20 and focus on building highly engaged personal relationships with that group. Get in contact with them every couple of weeks on matters that are important to them and you’ll see your “acorns turn into your mighty oaks” in terms of new business for you.

Want to know exactly how to do that? It’s really easy and you will see a consistent flow of new referred opportunities starting in just a few weeks. Typically, with your selected 20, you can gain 8-10 new referrals a month after 6-7 weeks of building engagement.

The roadmap to these results is easily available in the easy to use, economical, AI enabled tool you can see at www.engagepro.com. Take it for a free 14 day trial and get ready to be very surprised!