To get Referrals Just Remember “Birds of a Feather Do Flock Together!”

OK so you ask what’s that got to do with referrals and tips to help you get more of them… Hold on and let me bring up the whole foundation of what’s called “target marketing”.

For decades now marketers have been aiming to reach you and I based on things like what we read, watch, buy, etc. They also know that people who share similar buying preferences hang out together in groups (aka …flocks) and likely respond to similar sales messages.

Thus, when they determine a group or buyer segment has a preference or need for a particular product or service, they focus their marketing on people just they identify as being like those that already bought their offerings. They also begin searching for clusters of potential prospects just like them where they can more efficiently make that same offer over and over again.

At its most basic, that’s why you’ll see neighborhoods with homeowners being targeted with mortgage refinance offers or home improvement projects. Then of course you know that people who shop for something on the web suddenly start to see pop-up ads with products related to what they were looking at earlier.

So now just ask a related question… what kinds of people do your current clients hang out with?

Based on what you offer, I suspect they’re already in some kind of group where others just like them already are present. Lawyers for example know lots of lawyers or plumbers know lots of other trades and service providers all serving the same target markets.

This extends into so many other areas of our marketing world. New moms hang out with other new moms, Rotary Club members or golfers are seen together with others just like them, etc.

Imagine if 10 of Your referral partners or strong advocates knew just 5 people you should meet…

For myself, in an earlier company, my best clients were owners of small and medium-sized businesses and I wanted access to more of them. Who do you think they already associated with at the club, chamber of commerce, networking groups, etc.

So if you simply reflect on who your current ideal client or buyer is today and ask who amongst them already knows people just like them… and could potentially be a high quality lead for what you do… then you’re focusing in on the very best potential sources of new referral opportunities.

A good analogy is one that says if you want to catch fish, then go to where people usually go fishing!

Now, don’t overlook that you also need to do all the things that will lead a client, advocate or potential referral source to want to refer you. This is where you need to be building great relationships with those potential “connectors” and also provide outstanding service and support. As you combine great delivery with outstanding relationship nurturing and then show them how they can best reciprocate… they’ll be an exceptional source of many new referrals.

This is all part of a step-by-step, easy to follow, proven roadmap that when you follow, it leads to a steady stream of great new referrals.

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