You’ve Got a Leads Problem… Not a Sales Problem!

Often, people say things like “I need more clients” or “I need more sales.” I believe that reflects a gap elsewhere in one’s sales process that’s a result of failing to take the right steps earlier that could have totally eliminated the problem.

To wake up on a Monday morning and look forlornly into your hot-list and see pretty lean pickings is completely a result of not doing the basic things you should be doing in the first place.

And yet, I see professionals of all types outsourcing lead generation to cold callers, appointment setters or investing in expensive digital marketing tactics hoping for better results.

Now even more people are adding to the blizzard of noise coming at us from places like LinkedIn or other social media! Blindly connecting with folks, say on LinkedIn or in a Zoom networking meeting and then immediately trying to sell your stuff just doesn’t work!

The reality is that most of us on your ideal client target lists are actively hiding out because we’re overwhelmed by everyone trying to pitch their stuff.

And We’ve built barriers to shelter us from the noise that Maybe Even You and so many others are Making…

Now, we’re not specifically hiding from you… but more from all the rest of the noise in our in-boxes and in our ears.

These days, experts say that you now have just 2–3 seconds to capture a person’s attention with your web messaging before they’re off to something else.

How’s that sound to you when you think about that lean lead list in front of you and you’re having to figure out how to fill it with qualified new prospects?

Isn’t it time to get back to person-to-person Relationship marketing?

Yes, I’m a referrals advocate and training expert and believe there’s no better way to build a business and to reach your goals than by focusing on having a solid referral building process.

As well, it’s time to return to collaboration and bringing as it’s called the “personal touch” back into your client building processes.

Facts show that:

-a referred prospect has a 400% higher likelihood of turning into a client,

-that referred clients buy more and have a higher retention rate and

-that referred clients also have a higher incidence of referring others because it reinforces their earlier decision to become your customer in the first place.

So Given a referred lead is so valuable, Would you “invest” an hour a week to get 2-3 new referred leads a week?

Then the question is… what are you doing now to get that “referrals spigot” opened and flowing fully.

I know that with a 10-minutes a day effort, focused on doing the things that make people want to refer you, is all it takes.

It simply means having a careful focus on doing a few relationship building steps, every day, and that will soon turn into the flow of new referred leads you want.

Let me ask, could you make three or four quick, “hey, how are you doing” calls a day or send out a few simple, caring “I’ve been thinking about you” emails or text messages each day?

Of course, you could!

And how would you feel if every week your efforts produced 2-3 new quality referrals, leading to you having warm, welcoming qualified discovery meetings with great new prospects.

As Dave Mattson, the President of Sandler Training Worldwide, wrote in a recent article… the challenge for most sales people is not having enough leads to talk to!

The problem, he says, is “at the top of the funnel, not at the bottom where you measure the revenues.”

I don’t believe there’s a better sales training system in the world than Sandler’s to help you bring the right people through an orderly sales process to becoming a client. Yet, most people miss the boat on getting sufficient folks (great leads) into the very top of that funnel.

Ask yourself, where is my sales challenge?

I remember helping a veteran Sandler trainer learn how to build a strong referral based business a couple of years ago. He badly needed more clients for his soon to start Sandler “open training events.”

Then after a few weeks of coaching him, he declared that “your referral process simply lined up all the people I needed to talk to as leads and from there, I already knew how to guide them into becoming Sandler clients!”

More, it’s so rewarding to see how someone who has absolutely no sales experience can go from a “standing start” to closing new referred sales in just a few weeks.

They had all the expertise needed in their profession to solve the client’s problems after finding a qualified prospect. However, they just needed a better, more consistent way to get more good leads!

In these days, everyone we’d like to talk to is so overwhelmed by “marketplace noise” that it’s hard to have a meaningful new sales conversation.

Yet, when you focus on building your referral advocates, then the people they know will be actively opening their doors for you. They’ll become the new leads you’re seeking at the top of your sales funnel.

Want to see how easy this can happen for you?

You can have the exact roadmap used by that Sandler trainer and thousands just like him. It’s a proven, economical and efficient way to get 6-8 or even more new referred leads every single month!

Just turn your contacts into close relationships by bringing them into an AI-enabled relationship building tool that will turn on your referrals engine.
Take a look at, use it for free for 14 days, and see for yourself.
