Are You at Your “Turning Point?” Just Get Serious About Referrals!

It’s said the most challenging part of any journey is the very first step… To me that symbolizes the initial decision one makes to change direction or perhaps adopt a new behavior followed then by taking an actual first step or movement into that new direction.

That move is away from where you are now or where you possibly may be stuck or even doing nothing.

A turning point simply means “it’s deciding time.” Then it’s time for a “let’s begin, get going or take that next step” into the new direction.

It’s right here, at the beginning, at the very first turning point step, where I see most professionals succeed or fail.

With so many digital distractions in our world there are too many people wanting to grow and improve their results but they’ve been lulled into a state of “digital slumber.”

People have tuned out and are stuck in routines that hold them captive. And they continue doing the same thing over expecting a different outcome!

Don’t stay stuck

So, if this is you, how do you overcome being stuck? And how can you declare that its now your “turning point” time?

First, if you’re struggling to find the new clients and the business growth you want, then you must ask are you willing to make a turn or consider moving into a new and better pathway… or are you simply wishing for a better result but still “frozen” in place.

Next, you have to look within and decide that you really want to move to a better place personally, professionally and financially. You need to decide that you’d really like greater success and that you’re willing to “pay the price” and commit personally to get there.

First Why, then what…

I believe navigating this “turn” in direction all begins with setting a very simple set of goals describing what you’d like to achieve or gain. Then define why that would be important to you.

These goals will help you focus. Just imagine how achieving them would make you feel. These goals will turn into your new “north star” helping you to stay on track to this new destination.

Noted author and TED Talk speaker Simon Sinek says “start with the why.” Then I say add to that “the what” …meaning what you think it takes to reach your goals.

Another friend of mine says, you next have to “count the costs.” What this means simply is you have a “price to pay” to move in a new direction.

As well, there’s also a price to pay (or a cost) for staying stuck right where you are now.

So, if the “costs” to stay where you are in terms of missed goals, lost opportunities and dashed dreams are greater than the costs (risks) of moving in a new direction then don’t wait, “get going!”

I need more clients!

The #1 challenge people face everywhere is “how can I get more clients,” “…expand my income,” “build a real business.”

I believe the easiest way to grow a professional’s business is to build a solid referral generating sales system.

Research shows that referred prospects have a 400% greater likelihood of becoming clients compared to leads sourced in any other way.

I’ve seen thousands of professionals decide to focus on building a sound and simple referral winning system, who then gain 8-10 high-quality new referrals every month.

These results emerge in just a few weeks when one understands what to do and then turns it into a set of simple daily habits.

These Best Referral Tips articles are all a part of a larger set of tools that have been taught to thousands to help turn their business goals into real results.

If you’re new to these, take a look around at my other posts, as they’re filled with “referral selling gold!”

Want to learn more about taking that important first step? Start by first taking a look at what we call building your own referral team. This is where you turn a contact into a relationship and then into a referral partner as you grow trust.

It’s easy to do when you focus and follow a simple roadmap. Take a look at where to begin by going to There, you try an easy to use, AI-enabled, relationship building tool for free and the roadmap to your new success will get you results in just a few days.

So make your own “turning point” decision now and get your new sales growth going!